Academic Activities

•  Accounting Talent Hunt 2015

SMPIC and Indian Accounting Association, Gujarat Branch organized ‘5th State Level Accounting Talent Hunt 2015’ on 25th March, 2015 in the college premises. More than 250 students from various commerce colleges participated in the competition. The competition intends to hone the accounting skills of the students and raise the status of accounting both as a discipline and as an important tool for managerial decision making. The students will be awarded with cash prizes, trophy and certificate.
  1. First Prize : Rs. 3,000 cash + Trophy + Certificate
  2. Second Prize : Rs. 2,000 cash + Trophy + Certificate
  3. Third Prize : Rs. 1,000 cash + Trophy + Certificate
  4. Five Consolation Prizes: Rs. 500 each.
  5. Certificates of Ranking will be given to Top 50 students.
  6. Certificate of participation to all participants.

•  SMPIC signs an MoU with Concordia College, New York

A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed by Shri Sudhir Nanavati, Executive Vice President, Gujarat Law Society and Mr. Viji George, President, Concordia College, New York, USA in the presence of Dr. Ashwin Purohit, Principal, SMPIC and Mr. Immanuel R. Kumar, Head of India operations, Concordia college on 7th March, 2015, between S. M. Patel Institute of Commerce, Ahmedabad and the Concordia College, in Bronxville, New York, for a Transfer Program and a Faculty Exchange Program of academic study at Concordia College. The MoU provides an opportunity to pursue student and faculty exchange activities in order to promote understanding and goodwill and strengthen cultural ties and broaden student as well as faculty experience and horizons. SMPIC students who have completed three years of full-time academic work at the graduation level are eligible. Under this program, GLS students will be benefitted to a great extent as they will earn two international degrees in just two years. As per the agreement, students can complete 6 semesters at commerce colleges of GLS and do 2 semesters with Concordia College to earn a Bachelors American degree and proceed to earn a Post Graduate degree in One year instead of two years. Moreover, Students who are accepted by Concordia College will be offered a minimum tuition scholarship of USD 10,000 per annum. Concordia College and S. M. Patel Institute of Commerce propose to also actively plan and implement a staff and student exchange programme between the two institutions. A Presentation Program was arranged on 7th March at GLS Auditorium wherein President of Concordia College Mr. Viji George made audio-visual presentationto brief the students about Concordia Experience. Prof. Bhumika Ansodaria co-ordinated the Presentation Program.

•  BJVM institute’s Visit to SMPIC

Around 25 students along with the faculty members and the Director from one of the prestigious Commerce institutes of Central Gujarat, BJVM institute, Vallabh Vidyanagar visited SMPIC on 25th February, 2015. The visit was a part of the students and faculty exchange programme between the two leading institutes in the field of Commerce and Management.The guest students were enriched with a scholarly session on Banking by the Manager of Kotak Mahindra Bank. The session was followed by an interactive session wherein the guests from BJVM were officially welcomed and acquainted with the activities and achievements of SMPIC. Following the introduction of the Faculty by Prof. M.E.Jokhi, Principal Dr.Ashwin Purohit addressed the gathering and informed about the glorious past and present of SMPIC.The formal session was followed by an informal interaction between the students of both the institutes. The BJVM students were also taken on a tour of the college and the campus. Finally the visit got concluded over lunch with a sense of satisfaction on both the sides.

• Two Day Personality Development and Communication Skills Workshop   at SMPIC

S. M. Patel Institute of Commerce in association with GLS Institute for Professional Studies organised Two Day Personality Development and Communication Skills Workshop on 18th and 19th February, 2015 at GLS Auditorium. The objective of the workshop was to groom students and acquaint them with the skills required to grow and sustain in the corporate world. Various tools and techniques were used by eminent corporate trainers to enable the participants to have a competitive edge and be a winner in their career. The workshop covered several important areas that added value to the students. It included ‘Introduction and Insights of Communication’ by Prof. Amar Gargesh, visiting faculty MICA, ‘Developing Entrepreneurial Streak’ by Shri Rohit Swaroop, Director Xplora Design. Student were exposed to the language of ‘Verbal and Non-verbal Communication’ by Ms. Rupa Sukhadia, Communication Expert followed by a comprehensive presentation on ‘Visual Communication’ by Prof.Subhas Tendle, MICA. The second day opened with discussions on ‘Presentation Techniques’ by Prof. Amar Gargesh with emphasis on utilising existing & external tools and resources. Prof U. T. Rao of MICA shared information about ‘Creating Opportunities through Entrepreneurship’ and incubation facilities available in India and globally. Ms. Sukhadia guided students on aspects about ‘Grooming and Etiquettes’ for better impression and impact. The workshop ended with a demonstration of ‘Interview Techniques’ through mock interviews with a panel and expel feedback and comments by Ms. Jyoti Jumani, a Communication Expert.

• ‘MINDOTSAV 2015’

S.M. Patel Institute of Commerce organized ‘Mindotsav 2015′, first of its kind, on 14th and 16th February 2015. In spite of Valentines day, theevent received overwhelming response. More than 100 students registered for various competitions. Competitions includedinnovative Ad-making, creative Power Point Presentations, Brain storming Quiz and thought provokingGroup Discussion. SMPIC Alumni were invited to judge all events. Suggestions given by them were valuable. Entire event was solely organized and managed by students. In the Prize Distribution Function, looking at the enthusiasm shown by the students, Principal Dr.Ashwin Purohit announced that the event will be organized every year to bring out students’ hidden talent.



PRIZEName of StudentsTopic
FIRSTUsman Khedawala Palkesh Agrawal Parikshit Tamalia Nishit Pujara Pratik VaishnavAUDI WAFERS
SECONDRinakumari Sudeshna Bose Harshil Darjee Kishan Bramhbhatt Malav BariaS2 50-50
THIRDNiraj Ahuja Mandeep Kaur Hasya BorijaSPOON WITH A HOLE


PRIZEName of StudentsTopic
FIRSTZeel Kusumgar Drashti Shah Preksha ShahGlobal Warming : Need for change
SECONDRoshny Bangal Binal Rana Kishan BrahmbhattIs it all the fault of the politicians
THIRDAditya Purohit Parth Bhalala Rushil ShahBRICS


PRIZEName of Students
FIRSTAnajali Mehta
THIRDDivya Chandwani


PRIZEName of Students
FIRSTJignesh Agrawal, Ajit Bhatti, Ketan Patel
SECONDAneri Modi, Purva Shah, Usman Khedawala
SECONDNishit Pujara, Aditya Rahandani, Parikshit Tamalaya
THIRDMitesh Chhabaria, Ronak Jain, Maitri Thakkar

• Educational Visit to Sardar Patel Institute of Economic and Social Research (SPIESR)

On 3rd February 2015 an educational visit was organized by the students of Statistics Club at Sardar Patel Institute of Economic and Social Research; a leading Social Science Research Institute in India. The students were imparted information about the significance of research, training and extension by the director Prof (Dr.) Niti Mehta. Prof. (Dr.) Kalpana explained career opportunities for the students having Masters in Economics and Statistics. The students also got an opportunity to visit Harivallabhdas Kalidas Library of the Institute, a specialized library with more than 50000 books and hundreds of journals.

• 16th National Conference of the Association of Indian College Principals

The 16th National Conference of the Association of Indian College Principals on “Perspectives of Higher Education in the 21st Century” was organized by GLS. S.M.Patel Institute of Commerce and H.A.College of Commerce coordinated the conference, wherein more than 250 delegates participated from seventeen States all over the country. The conference was inaugurated by Smt. Vasuben Trivedi, Hon. Minister of State for Education, Gujarat, in the presence of Shri Sudhir Nanavati, Executive Vice-President, GLS; Dr. M.N. Patel, Vice-Chancellor, Dr. Shrigurkar, Chairman, AICP and Prin. Subhash Brahmbhatt, President, AICP. Sadhu Shri Brahmavihari Swami enraptured the audience about the realities of education and the need to create a sense of responsibility in Principals and students. The valedictory function of the conference was held on the 31st of January wherein Shri Bhupendrasinhji Chudasma, Hon. Minister of Education, Gujarat, was the chief guest and Shri Sudhirbhai Nanavati was the guest of honour.


Through various activities, Swami Vivekananda Youth Club shares Swami Vivekananda’s progressive ideas of power, glory, goodness and purity with the students and also imprint on the young minds the idea that installing Swamiji as the living ideal in their lives make for them a glorious future. Regular monthly meeting is conducted where Prof. Bhumika Ansodaria, Convener of the Club and invited guest faculty shared with the students the character building ideas of Swami Vivekananda. Books on Swami Vivekananda are purchased in the library.

• Swami Vivekanand Elocution Competition 2015

To commemorate 150th birth anniversary of Swami Vivekanand, S. M. Patel Institute of Commerce organized Swami Vivekanand Elocution Competition for undergraduate students of different colleges of Ahmedabad and the institutes of Gujarat Law Society on 12th January 2015. Eighteen participants spoke on the topic ‘The Role of Youth in Shaping the Destiny of Our Nation’. Under the valuable guidance of Principal Dr. Ashwin Purohit, SMPIC has been organizing this competition for last four years. The Competition was judged by Shri T. J. Purani, Director, C. N. Vidhyavihar, Smt. Sunanda Shah, Principal, N. R. Secondary and Higher Secondary School and Prof. Brijesh Bhatt, C.U. Shah Commerce College. The winning institute Shri Narayana College of Commerce was awarded trophy and a cash prize and cash prizes were given to the 2nd and 3rd winner along with participation certificates.


1st PrizeJanaki PatelNarayana College of Commerce
2nd PrizeJamila DhandhukawalaS. M. Patel Institute of Commerce
3rd PrizeAbhilash NairSir L A Shah Law College


To impart Gandhian principles and values among students, SMPIC holds various activities like Guest Lectures, Discussion Forums and Essay Writing competitions, Book Reading Sessions on relevance of Gandhian Philosophy. Number of books were purchased on Gandhiji for this purpose. Regular monthly meeting is conducted where Prof. Vijay Tripathi, Convener of the Forum and invited guest faculty; briefed students about Gandhian way to resolve conflicts in their day to day life.

• Para Legal Training at Gujarat State Legal Services Authority

It was a great learning experience for the batch of Sem-6 students to attend the Para-Legal Training Session at the Old High Court complex. The information provided regarding the technicalities of various legal aspects were indeed very interesting and informative.The areas covered by the speakers were the Hindu Marriage Act and Provisions relating to the Juvenile System pertaining to Minor. The students actively participated in the group discussion conducted after the session. Around 60 students attended the training session where they could relate the topics being discussed with their academic curriculum.The facilities made available at the centre were highly appreciated by the Students and the Faculty members. The authorities have further ensured us to conduct more of such sessions on various legal topics which will be of interest to the younger generation.

• Bridge Course

SMPIC successfully conducted Bridge Course to develop English Proficiency skills of the first year students. 63 students enrolled for the course and given training for English Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking skills. They also appeared for the SCOPE examination at the end of the course.

• Reading Club ‘Vichar Vartul’

To inculcate spirit of reading from varied subjects and thus developing the healthy reading habits among students, Prof. Aashal Bhatt, the convener of the club organized various activities in Reading Club. SMPIC Reading Club organized a Reading Workshop by Miss Jolly Kotecha, Head of Mind Gym with a view to enhance creative reading skills amongst students. It was a six day workshop on ‘How to Develop Reading Comprehension Skills’.


‘For the students, of the students, by the students’

This activity presents a new thought and a new word to everyone on the campus through Black Board placed at the entrance of college. This Blackboard communicates to the masses and spreads the knowledge. A well said thought which churns the mind of every reader and a new word is added to the vocabulary of every passerby. Our students with full dedication & enthusiasm write a new thought & a new word on the board and other students eagerly await the new arrivals.Principal Dr. Ashwin Purohit, in spite of his busy schedule, takes keen interest to promote and support such knowledge empowering activities and gives valuable suggestions.

• Certificate Course in Entrepreneurship and Family Business :

SMPIC launched a Certificate Course in Entrepreneurship and Family Business. The program is designed to develop skills of the students in successfully initiating, expanding and developing the Business Enterprise. This programme is helpful to students coming from business class family and even to those who want to establish their own business enterprise.


With a view to impart knowledge beyond the four walls of the classroom and to move out of the prescribed academic syllabus, SMPIC has started a Certificate Course in Banking. The vision of Prin. Dr. Ashwin Purohit is to make the student ready for the job market in the Banking sector as soon as student completes graduation. This course is designed in such a manner so as to balance between theoretical and practical aspects of modern Banking. With lot of avenues opening up, the first batch of 60 students will be ready to face the challenges of Banking arena.

• NAAC Peer Team visit at FOC (SMPIC)

The Peer Team from the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) visited our institute on 8th and 9th of October, 2015. The three members Peer Team consisted of Prof. Vunnam Venkaiah from Hyderabad as the Chairman, Prof. Kalpana Mathur from Jodhpur as the Member Co-ordinator and Dr. Kiran Reddy from Bangalore. The team thoroughly assessed and appraised all the infrastructural, academic as well as para academic aspects of the institute. At the Exit Meeting, The Chairman of the Peer team Prof.Vunnam Venkaiah presented his reflections analytically and appreciated the achievements and academic practices of the institutes along with a few suggestions for improvement. At the end, the Peer Team handed over the PTR (Peer Team Report) to the Dean.


S. M. Patel Institute of Commerce in association with Indian Commerce Association(Gujarat Chaper) organized One day National Conference on “PROVISIONS OF COMPANIES ACT,2013 & CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY” on 27th September,2014 at H. H. GLS Auditorium. The Conference aimed to disseminate the knowledge on various dimensions of Corporate Accounting and Law in the 21st Century. The recently enacted Companies Act, 2013 has introduced several new concepts of governance with the aim of achieving higher transparency, greater clarity and accountability in India’s corporate sector. Such developmental issues play a significant role in academics and this explains the rationale behind the selection of the theme for the Conference and its national relevance. Papers were received from delegates from various universities of nation.
Shri Sudhir Nanavati, Chairman, Gujarat Law Society presided over the function. CA Sunil Talati Former President ICAI was the key-note speaker of the function. Dr. N. D. Shah, Dean of Commerce Faculty, Gujarat University was the Guest of Honour to the function. The conference was also graced by the Directors and the Principals of various GLS institutes. Dr. Ashwin Purohit Principal, SMPIC delivered the welcome address and discussed the impact of the new provisions of Companies Act,2013 on India’s Corporate Sector.
Shri Sudhir Nanavati congratulated SMPIC for organizing Conference on the current issue. As an eminent lawyer he also discussed the intricacies of properly implementing the new companies act. He also mentioned that there are many windows in the new companies act that are required to be taken care so that undue advantage is not taken by corporate sector. He focused on Corporate social responsibility and motivated the participants and delegates to interact with the Keynote speakers and gain the maximum from their expertise and experience. CA Sunil Talati talked about the recent changes in the field of Accounting & Law. He was one of the committee members for drafting the new companies act. He highlighted the positive changes in the new companies act. With his extraordinary knowledge and oratory skills he discussed about the decisive changes in India’s corporate law regime in view of changing economic and commercial environment and for an alignment with other Indian regulations. Dr. N. D. Shah motivated all the delegates to conduct substantial research work. Conference secretary Prof. M.E.Jokhi proposed vote of thanks.
In the first technical session, two keynote speakers delivered their address. CA Dhinal Shah, Partner at E&Y, Central Council Member, ICAI very meticulously explained the intricacies of Empowered SFIO, Accounting & Auditing standards, enhanced disclosure norms, accountability of management and protection of minority shareholders. Shri Upen Shah, Company Secretary, Cadila Healthcare talked about Investor protection and shareholders empowerment, CSR & good governance, E governance initiatives and independent directors.
Total 87 papers were received. The second technical session of paper reading was chaired by Dr Hitesh Ruparel Director, NRMBA and Professor CA (Dr.) N.V.Suchak, Associate Professor R.J.T.College. About, 186 participants attended the conference, papers were received from Delhi, Chhattisgarh, Raipur, Vadodara, Surat, Rajkot and places across nation.
The conference ended with the Valedictory function, where Dr. B. H. Joshi, Registrar, Gujarat Law Society and Dr. Sandip Bhatt, Joint Secretary of Indian Commerce Association, Professor at PG department of Business Studies, Vallabh Vidhyanagar graced the dais and addressed the audience. Dr. B.H.Joshi acknowledged the efforts of SMPIC for organizing such conference. Dr Ketan Upadhyay, Professor at M.S. University and Dr Hitesh Shukla Professor at Saurashtra University expressed their views.
Overall, the Conference not only helped the participants to gain a greater understanding of the latest trends, issues and challenges in Accounting & Law but also provided an important forum for the interaction to distinguished academicians and researchers and lay the foundations for even deeper investigations into these subjects.

• CIMA partners with S. M. Patel Institute of Commerce

The Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA), founded in 1919, is the world’s leading and largest professional body of management accountants, with over 218,000 members and students operating in 177 countries, working at the heart of business. CIMA members and students work in industry, commerce, the public sector and not-for-profit organisations. CIMA works closely with employers and sponsors leading-edge research, constantly updating its qualification, professional experience requirements and continuing professional development to ensure it remains the employers’ choice when recruiting financially-trained business leaders. CIMA has a joint venture with the American Institute of CPAs (AICPA) to establish the Chartered Global Management Accountant (CGMA) designation. CGMA is the global quality standard that further elevates the profession of management accounting. CGMA designation recognises the most talented and committed management accountants with the discipline and skill to drive strong business performance.
CIMA announced its partnership with the prestigious S.M Patel Institute of Commerce (SMPIC), on 20th Sep 2014 in Ahmedabad, with an aim to provide the students of Ahmedabad an opportunity to study the most relevant international professional qualification for business. Under this partnership, CIMA and SMPIC will launch a study centre at the SMPIC campus that will offer CIMA qualification to the students.
An awareness session was conducted by a senior CIMA member Shrikant Koundinya along with Saifuddin Lokhandwala, Regional Business Manager at CIMA, where the students were addressed at SMPIC campus.
Principal Dr Ashwin Purohit motivated the students to undergo CIMA qualification which is internationally recognised and makes them more employable. CA M.E.Jokhi co-ordinated the awareness session.


S. M. Patel Institute of Commerce organized three day lecture series called ‘EMPOWER WEEK’ from 26th to 28th August, 2014 at GLS Auditorium. The entire event was organized and managed by the students under the guidance and motivation of Principal Dr. Ashwin Purohit. He opines that such type of lecture series help students to develop leadership skills and equip them professionally as they gain practical knowledge from the experts of the real life world. The experts like Mr. Jagdip Bhatt, Mr. Vivek Nehlani and Ms. Rini Bahal Purohit were invited to deliver sessions on ‘Corporate Communication Skills’, ‘Stress Management and Goal Setting ‘and ‘Presentation skills’.
Mr. Jagdip Bhatt laid emphasis on Communication skills to be successful in the corporate world. In today’s scenario we see that youngsters have Hurry sickness, hypertension and stress related problems. To address these issues,Mr. VIVEK NIHALANI gave some practical points for DESTRESSING. He emphasized that how EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE and good health can make students’ life calmer and smoother.To give direction and bring focus to the lives of students and channelize their skills, the second part of the session made GOAL SETTING a more achievable thing. Ms. Rini Bahal Purohit focused on the importance of presentation skills and discussed how to deal with podium panic, how to maintain eye contact with the audience, importance of Body Language and visual aids. Overall, students received important tips to be successful in their professional life.

• Study Enhancement Programme at AMA

S M Patel Institute of Commerce ,organised Study Enhancement programme at Ahmedabad Management Association (AMA), on 12th Aug 2014. Fifty four students alongwith two faculties attended the programme. The programme was divided into two modules. The first module was conducted by Mr. Paresh Pandya on Job hunt and Interview techniques. The session lasted for 2.45 hours. The second session was conducted by Mr. Ritesh Ambastha on digital marketing (E marketing). The students enriched themselves in terms of valuable inputs from the renowned faculties and were awarded a certificate from AMA.



On 15th July 2014 a guest lecture by Shri Reshmikhant Pandya, Ex. Director of Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Gandhinagar was organized at SMPIC with an objective to make students aware about the importance of statistical analysis and methods used for data collection. Shri Reshmikant Pandya in his session explained to students the significance of statistical analysis and data collection by framing practical examples on it. He also discussed need of good statisticians and various job opportunities in the field of statistics.
Mr. Pandya encouraged the students to take practical project from the industries if they want to make their study more fruitful. Overall it had been an enlightening experience for the students and the faculties. He had not only shown interest to help students to get statistical research based project from the industries but also guided them to carry out the same. The event was conducted by Dr. Kavita Dave under the Statistics Forum of SMPIC.

• Celebration of Gurupurnima on July 12 2014

SMPIC marked its beginning of events of the Academic year 2014-15 on an Auspicious Day of “Gurupurnima”, with the Celebration of “Gurupurnima”, which was entirely managed & conducted by Students of SMPIC with full enthusiasm & affection towards their “Gurus”. The ambience of the institute was so pious, as it was reflecting Students’ complete Devotion & Respect towards their Gurus when they worshipped them by enchanting mantras, doing their “Puja”. This celebration manifested that the traditional values are still alive among modern age students. All the Faculty members were also delighted with such warm celebration & showered their blessings upon students.
Shri Sudhir Nanavati, Executive Vice President of GLS visited the Institute & presented Rs. 1 lakh on “Guru Purnima”, as a token of appreciation, to the Faculty Members of SMPIC for their commendable services towards the Institute & Students, as SMPIC secured the third position among India’s Best Emerging Commerce Colleges -2013 in an annual survey conducted by India Today.